As well as offering market leading Country Sports Insurance, as an IFA Countryside Member, you'll also be entitled to a range of Exclusive Members' only benefits made available by our carefully selected partners. Request to JoinMember Benefits
IFA Countryside Members can avail of a range of exclusive discounts directly with a range of brands such as car, motor and home insurance with FBD, travel with Stena Line, hotel breaks with Original Irish hotels and much more.

IFA Countryside Members Insurance Policy
*Please note that FBD benefits are not available to members who hold a dual IFA/ASA membership

€35 FBD Voucher*
€35 discount for IFA Countryside members on motor, home, farm or business insurance

Subsidised Training Courses
40% off courses through Farm Business Skillnets. HCAP, Safe Handling of Game Meat Course, Firearm Proficiency.
See our Courses section.

IFA has negotiated an exclusive member offer with Bord Gáis Energy including
- 28% off Bord Gáis Energy’s standard electricity unit rate for 18 months.
- €120 cashback

Phone & Broadband
Bringing you the best value packages on phone and broadband from IFA Telecom.
Choose from a range of packages. Fibre broadband from only €35

Save up to 15% on Vodafone packages.
Even if you are currently with Vodafone, you are entitled to a discount as an IFA Countryside member.

Exclusive Hotel Offer
15% off Original Irish Hotels exclusively for IFA Countryside members. Choose from 59 Irish owned hotels.

Exclusive Rental Offer
Enjoy a discount fo 10% off Hertz car rental globally.

Exclusive Ferry Offer
15% off motorist fares with Stena Line exclusively for IFA Countryside members.
IFA Solar
Turn your roof into a source of power. We offer quality and reliable solar solutions for Irish homes, farms and businesses.

Health Screening Discount
Health Screening Discount with Mater Private Network.

Legal Helpline
Speak directly with a qualified solicitor who will provide general information and assist with any queries that you may have.

Ridgeline Clothing
Save 10% on Ridgeline of New Zealand. Ridgeline gear offers both protection and rugged good looks in eqal measures.

Changing Robes
Enjoy an exclusive discount with Wild Waves Changing Robes.

Schoolwear House
Exclusive discount on school uniforms and accessories.
Terms and Conditions apply. Offers subject to change over the course of your membership.

Individual Membership
€80 per year
IFA Countryside Members Insurance Policy
Access to Legal Helpline
Membership Card
Car Sticker
Exclusive Member Discounts
Access to Subsidised Training Courses

Club Membership
Groups of 6 or more can join at a discounted rate
Rates start from just €60
Membership Card with your Club Name
Club Members enjoy all individual benefits PLUS IFA Countryside's Club Programme
The IFA have always been a pleasure to deal with at every level. Insurance renewal is a seamless process and advice is available at any stage at the end of the phone. The IFA provide subsidised rates on pheasants and feed and are supportive of all our club activities. Our club has found them helpful on a number of local and national policy issues and advice and aid was always given promptly, clearly and effectively.