by Barbara Killeen | Mar 3, 2021 | countryside, Crime, Rural Ireland, wildlife management
Both farmers and the wider public, whether it be at work or in enjoying the countryside, should at this time of year be mindful of the damage caused by burning. It is also more important than ever that no one should start an illegal fire in the countryside as such...
by Barbara Killeen | Feb 26, 2021 | countryside, Environment, Food, Organic
The Organic Farming Scheme will reopen on Mon, March 1st. IFA is holding an information evening for farmers considering applying for the scheme on Thurs, 4th March at 8.30 pm. The event will take place over Microsoft Teams. Speaking in advance of the event, IFA...
by Barbara Killeen | Feb 24, 2021 | countryside, Environment, Habitats, Lobbying, Uncategorized
IFA has called on the Minister for Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan to ensure managed burning of gorse is allowed to take place in March due to the inclement wet weather in January and February. “The extension by a month is of vital importance as it will...
by Barbara Killeen | Feb 18, 2021 | countryside, Trapping, Vermin Control
Ministerial Declarations for the Period May 2020 to April 2021 Under the terms of the EU Birds Directive, all EU member States, including Ireland, are bound to take measures to protect all wild birds and their habitats. The Directive allows Member States to make...
by Barbara Killeen | Feb 3, 2021 | countryside, Environment, Lobbying, NPWS, Shooting, Vermin Control
IMPORTANT The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has extended the deadline for members of the public to forward comments/proposals in relation to the control of certain wild bird species. The new...
by Barbara Killeen | Feb 3, 2021 | countryside, Environment, Food, Rural Ireland
IFA Organic Project Team Chairman, Nigel Renaghan has welcomed Minister of State Pippa Hackett’s announcement that the Organic Farming Scheme will re-open.The scheme is due to re-open in the first week of March subject to EU Commission approval. It will increase...