Deer Hunting Training Course (HCAP)

Approved deer hunter training courses are run throughout the year facilitated by and in partnership with Deer Alliance HCAP and subsidsided by IFA Farm Business Skillnet

Certification has been mandatory for all first-time applicants for a Deer Hunting Licence since 2022 and has been obligatory for all persons hunting on Coillte forest property since 2005. In addition, the recent Irish Deer Management Strategy Group report published in December 2023, recommends phased certification for all hunters (including licensed hunters not hunting on Coillte forest property and/or holding a Deer Hunting Licence prior to 2022) over the next 3 to 5 years. HCAP is the only training programme in Ireland developed in partnership with Coillte Teoranta, National Parks & Wildlife Service, An Garda Síochána and all principal deer organisations. HCAP completed its twentieth year of operation in 2023 and to date approximately 3700 licensed deer hunters have participated in the programme. For further information see

Members can avail of discounted cost of only €120, to include Training Workshop, Stalker Training Manual, MCQ & Range Test.

Training Workshops and MCQs are held at the Woodford Dolmen Hotel Kilkenny Road, Carlow and Range Tests are held at the Midland Range, Blueball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.

Members are notified of upcoming courses through our monthly E-newsletter.  If you are not a member, complete the form below to be notified of the next course.

New and intending members of IFA Countryside should call 0818 924 982 or 01 426 0368 for membership information, which includes insurance cover  compliant with requirements for the HCAP Range Test.


HCAP Candidates who do not have access to their own deer-legal rifle have two options open to them. If they have a friend who has a deer-legal rifle and is prepared to let the candidate use that rifle for the Range Test, that is permitted, provided that the friend holds a valid Firearm Certificate for the firearm in question, holds valid shooting insurance and is present with the Candidate on the Range at all times. Alternatively, the candidate can avail of a Club Rifle in calibre .243, available from the Midland Range. Booking must be made at least two weeks in advance and is subject to Garda vetting. The current cost of rifle hire is €60.00, to include ammunition sufficient for the standard Range Test. Candidates with no previous experience of full-bore rifle shooting may be required to undertake basic tuition and competency testing on a one-to-one basis at the Midland Range (to include the Range Test Course of Fire but not as part of the Range Test), the current cost of which is €150.00 (one person, one day tuition and test preparation). Hire of a Club rifle and/or arrangements for tuition and test preparation, including all costs, are entirely a matter between Midland Range management and personnel, are outside the ordinary HCAP process and Deer Alliance HCAP has no responsibility or obligation in this regard. For further information about use of a Club firearm for the HCAP Range Test, contact John Paul Craven (Range Operator), 086 823 2641 or Tony Saunders, 087 097 7589.

HCAP Enquiry Form

Are you an existing IFA Countryside member?(Required)