by Barbara Killeen | May 11, 2021 | Rural Development, Rural Economy, Rural Ireland
Ministers Humphreys and O’Brien announce €4.5 million to improve community facilities and sports clubs Funding to support local groups to re-open their facilities post Covid-19 Small grants for repairs and renovations, new equipment and safety upgrades Community...
by Barbara Killeen | May 6, 2021 | Rural Development, Rural Economy, Rural Ireland
Ministers Humphreys, McGrath and O’Brien launch €10m Community Fund €10 million Covid Stability Fund to support community and voluntary groups, charities and social enterprises Supports for organisations which deliver critical services to the vulnerable Community...
by Barbara Killeen | May 5, 2021 | Rural Development, Rural Economy, Rural Ireland
Tackling dereliction a key focus of new enhanced Town and Village Renewal Scheme Funding available to turn vacant buildings in town centres into remote working hubs, enterprise spaces, cultural, tourism and community hubs Scheme encourages Collaborative Projects to...
by Barbara Killeen | Apr 29, 2021 | Rural Development, Rural Ireland
Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has today launched a new five million euro fund to support the development of Ireland’s first national network of remote working hubs. The Connected Hubs Fund will expand existing hub facilities,...
by Barbara Killeen | Apr 20, 2021 | Rural Development, Rural Economy, Rural Ireland
IFA Countryside Chairman Brian Rushe said IFA has called on the Government to address competition in the banking sector following KBC Group’s announcement to exit the Irish market. “KBC’s departure is further evidence that the banking sector is dysfunctional and not...
by Barbara Killeen | Mar 30, 2021 | countryside, Rural Development, Rural Economy, Rural Ireland
IFA Countryside Chairman Brian Rushe said the Rural Development Policy announced by the Government today must be implemented. “Much of what is contained in the report about farming and food is already in train, or refers to commitments that have been made before, but...